Treed's Headlines Yes, just like Jay Leno’s.
While I was Tweeting …. Responses I got to the inquiry: “What was happening while you tweeted?”
Mr. Reed’s Dictionary Definitions according to, you guessed it, ME!! Actually, funny or odd definitions I have found.
#DMFails A DM in Twitter is a Direct Message, like a Private Message, a DM fail is when it gets posted globally, not to one person, with interesting results, OOPS!
Wisdom of Wifey Title says it all.
Caught on Twitter Odd bits and pieces I catch on Twitter.
Math Man Things that may or may not have happened in my classroom. And in education in general.
Random Stuff. Some of it is about my personal life, some is not. It’s just random bits.
Broken News A sardonic look at today's headlines and life in general. Some of it is funny, some is sarcastic, some is just commentary, but all of it is twisted.
iTweet Responses I received to the inquiry: “I tweet, therefore I …..”
Other Worlds A twisted sardonic silly look into the world of podcasting. I lampoon podcasts and podcasters I follow. I have some bloggers and podcast fans in there as well.
These are my on going series. There are a couple i have not listed for various reasons. Click on any of these to view the series or to get to my profile page click